It Really Happened
29 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I did not mean to watch the whole movie when I turned it on with the intention of pausing it until I had caught up on some sleep. As you might guess, I was riveted to the story. I remarked to myself with astonishment toward the end that the boy who acted as the protagonist, Alex, had been in every single scene. The young actor, Jordan Kiziuk, carried the entire film. He gave his all to produce the emotion that each scene demanded. The story is semi-biographical based on the novel by Uri Orlev. I might have guessed it as I had read his other book with similarities of a Polish Jewish boy who was also in the Warsaw Ghetto titled Run Boy, Run and it too was made into a film Lauf Junge, Lauf. Other parts were supporting although with big stars playing some roles, Jordan Kiziuk did not even get top billing. Can you believe it? The Danish director held everything together and had a genuine feel for the time, place, and drama that was playing out as young Alex tried so hard to be a survivor. Jordan Kiziuk sounds English but like the character he plays his name is Polish, not a coincidence then that the boy who played the protagonist in Run Boy, Run, Andrzej Tkacz, was also born in Warsaw. What am I trying to say? Well, if you saw Run Boy, Run you will like The Island On Bird Street and vice versa. Oh! And I just realized that by telling you this story is semi-biographical I have included a spoiler because you know the boy in each movie survives.
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