Review of Respect

Respect (2021)
standard biopic of legend
27 December 2021
This is a biopic of legendary performer Aretha Franklin (Jennifer Hudson). Forest Whitaker plays her preacher father C. L. Franklin. Marlon Wayans plays his troublesome husband Ted White.

In the DVD extras, someone claims that this is not a standard cradle to grave biopic. In many ways, this is exactly that. It starts with Aretha as a child and goes to Aretha passing in real life. There is no doubt that Jennifer Hudson has all tools. She's not just a five tool player. She's an all tools player. The question is the very straight forward story telling. This seems to be a story begging to zero in on her 'demon'. A bit of imagination could turn that demon into a surreal character which first hounds her father, then her rapists, her husband, her alcoholism, and even MLK's murder. It's a suggestion. In an aside, the church finale should consists of the real Aretha footage. Again, this seems to be begging for that but maybe they didn't have the copyright. Director Liesl Tommy does transition to the aged Aretha singing Natural Woman which is really a second choice for me. This is a safe biopic starting with the very capable Hudson and the standard story telling.
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