The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Sorry, but I'm just sad by how weak this turned out
24 December 2021
First of, I'm a relatively recent book reader, stared a year ago and I'm on book 7 Coming into this show, I had somewhat high expectations, with even though the first book being the worst of the first 7, it was still a pretty good book with such indept explanations of everything and everything was tied in such a way that kept us wondering and guessing and rooting, a fearing.. On the first Episode I understood how fast they had to move for such deep plot... But that was to be excused if they weren't gonna waste an entire Episode around a useless depressed warder and his issues.. The chacters are bland, the tone is weird because it wants to be a jolly show with dark elements and fails miserably at both, shadar logot was the biggest missed opportunity of the whole show.. The VFX and CGI of this show is simply bad, really bad! The worst I've seen in an Amazon show, let alone the one with the highest budget of them all.. everything from the creatures, the cities, everything that was soo fake and the sets in tar valon looked really cardboardy, and lets not talk about Ishamael because he just looked like a mashed potatoe. I feared for no one, i felt zero empathy, nothing of it looked reall and so one of the worst experiences of my life..

Than we have the plot changes.. from all the moments that makes my EOTW experience, they kept zero of them in the show, and traded them for women power representation or supposed to be shocking moments that none worked.. The dialogue is childish and highschoolish, weak and really poor, wasting most of it cringing.

I'm not mad for the changes just because of the changes.. I'm mad because they made up for such a weaker overall story than the book was, wand it was the worst book.

Overall, it's a pretty weak show, with weak character's, weak plot, weak motivation's and I'm having the saddest christmas eve ever with how bad tis finale was.
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