Watch the movie for a better grip of Freddie's life
22 December 2021
But when a documentary is titled "Final Act", then you'd expect revelatory insights into Freddie's final years & moments alive. Hardly. Instead, what we get are repeats of interviews & snippets that you already would have seen in other documentaries or Youtube. Most of what is portrayed doesn't offer us anything we don't already know.

Sadly, much this documentary also comes off as an apologist act for Freddie's life choices. While feeling sad for his demise, a better balance would be to recognise that he ultimately was a victim of his own decision to live hard and fast and ignore warning signs when HIV began taking off. Freddie lived in the fast lane - like many of his peers in the rock world. Unfortunately, it caught up to him.

This documentary ignores that, choosing instead to focus on the plight of Freddie & other AIDS victims & the negative portrayal of gays associated with the disease. I get that. After 30-40 years of fighting HIV infections and raising awareness, we get it - there are real victims in the cause. But how bout being honest and also admitting that many people - like Freddie - do get AIDS because they ignored the dangers?

In the words of George Michael during Freddie's tribute concert - "...please, for your own sake, be careful..." It appears this documentary ignores that message.

Wouldn't it have been of greater service to Freddie's memory if the documentary actually focused on that? So, if you want a more honest look at the man Freddie Bulsara - warts and all, then watch the movie. Or the BBC documentary "Who Wants To Live Forever".
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