Ouch, a horror movie made for and by conservatives
19 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Do you take great offense at events that transpire in most horror movies? Sacrilege? Graphic violence? Bad language? I've got some good news: You'll always have "The Curse of the Batibat!" What IS a Batibat? Good question. It is glossed over in a throwaway line in the last 10 minutes of this picture. That is, if you make it that long.

I was intrigued by the premise written in the synopsis on the back cover of this thing. However, this filmmaker has chosen to leave you in the dark, in a whole variety of ways, throughout the bulk of this film. What supposedly transpired is revealed, in passing, at the end! I really can't tell you what this was supposed to be about. Strange things happen. Actions, motivations, events, character's behaviors are not explained. There are witches, possessions, and a whole lot of bad CGI.

This movie is FAR too serious for its own good. The insane level of earnestness is one of the most off putting aspects of this flick. Sort of a similar effect when everything is too nice. It becomes sickening.

There are some real-world unpleasantries in Evil Takes Root (the roots are not explained), which I would think would affect the replay value (never mind this is just a terrible movie). Unless you're a hunter (like Angry Republican Dad), and enjoy seeing dead animals, and watching things being cut open.

I thought this took the cake: Felix, the uh, paranormal guy, for lack of a better description, confesses to the sheriff that he had a relationship with a woman who died. Sheriff goes, "So, you were lovers?" Who says that?! Let alone someone in law enforcement. Man, I traveled to some hick town for 90 minutes.

SPOILER: Good triumphs over evil. Yawn.
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