Review of Distress

Criminal Minds: Distress (2007)
Season 2, Episode 17
It's That Gosh Darn Heavy Metal Music Again, Right?
19 December 2021
My mom always said: "If you keep making that face it will freeze and stay that way". Hotch. Gideon. Take note.

At 00:38- Hollywood cliche #001: Someone should fall down during a foot chase.

So JJ: we think it would be easy to spot a female narcotics dealer wearing a Victorian era bustle.

A Gulfstream G550 costs around $3,600 an hour to operate.

Who's Leo Nardo De Venchee?

Like, pay attention Emily. Finding a connection between the victims is what the team's been talking about for the last two minutes.

Reid gets rather snippy when he's "jonesing" for another "hit" of "horse", doesn't he? We think he did it.

State the obvious, there, Hotch: "This is a high crime area". So we're thinking that one murder equals low crime area, two equals medium and three murders equals high?

Yay some nobody filler music.

That's some tough love there, mom. Basically throwing your son into prison. He must be a "love child".

So Gideon: Just how does one tell when a homeless person last slept in an abandoned building? Maybe by sampling the waste nearby?

Wow. Someone gives you a plate of home made cookies and you biotches mock them?!

The unsub might be homeless? How would a homeless person have the strength to break a man's neck?

Reid you genius: "All the murders occurred near abandoned buildings". Well, from the establishing shots, we see the entire area has abandoned buildings.

Like, there was no overabundance of sewers, dumpsters or American made cars in Mogadishu, Somalia.

The wife's not giving straight answers. We think she did it. Right?

JJ must be on dope, too. Either that or she's in love with Dana. Look at her dilated pupils.

Once you're homeless your beard stops growing.

Death by cop is the same as murder by cop, right?

Who's Tom S. Pain?
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