Superstore: Floor Supervisor (2020)
Season 6, Episode 3
Jonah vs. Cheyenne
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Glenn is back to being manager and announces his old position as floor supervisor is up for grabs. He avoids stress by passing duties off and Dina incredulously says that they made him manager twice.

The adopted teen asks Garret to open the family planning display case for him to get condoms. Garret informs his adopted mom of the request and she asks him to talk about sex to her adopted son.

Dina does not want Jonah as floor supervisor because he brings up innovative ideas too much. She goes to Cheyenne who wears a very cute white bow scrunchie and convinces her to apply.

Cheyenne asks if she would have to say things to end up doing them. Dina says no and when asked why replies that America rules.

Garret faces the realization he maybe was never in love.
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