18 December 2021
Back in the day when there was NO cable (only 10 tv channels with an antenna on your roof).... CURSE OF THE FACELESS MAN was a weekend fave. Still is. Direct from the school of super low budget horror, and loving it, also somewhat in the fashion of the MUMMY.

Instead of Egyptian ruins, writers set the story in the ancient city of Pompeii where a dedicated team unearths a stone "faceless man" ---instead of a mummy. Fairly neat switch and even campier when the walking man of stone busts down doors, crashes through walls in search of his long lost reincarnated love. The curious angle is the Faceless Man goes in and out of a state of suspended animation. Bottom line... all the archaeologists would have to do is chop him up. THEY DON"T, which makes this thriller all the more wild. This one also borrows from the school of "just stand there and scream!." The Faceless Man walks about two steps an hour... so the victims usually just stand there instead of simply walking out the door!

The over the top music score by Gerald Fried, who worked on other chillers, adds to the atmosphere, and at the precise moment when the Faceless Man is about to crack someone's skull!

Good cast with reliable Richard Anderson leading the search and rescue team and veteran radio actor Luis Van Rooten playing an archaeologist and narrating the creepy adventure. Directed by sci fi master Edward L. Cahn, who was cranking them out in the 1950s about as fast as Roger Corman.

Out on dvd, the perfect addition for all us fans of 2000 year old Roman gladiators.
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