Mass Effect: Andromeda (2017 Video Game)
Avoided for years because of negative reviews - MY BIG MISTAKE!!
17 December 2021
I saw some of the early releases, read the reviews, and stupidly formed my own (misguided) opinion on this masterpiece. What an idiot!

I recently played through the 3 original ME games (inc. All DLC), and thoroughly loved them anew.

Never managed to get past the 'opening act' of Andromeda as it felt so, well... Not the Mass Effect I loved. No Shepard. No Reapers, etc. (plus all the major bugs present at release!!)

This time, stuck indoors in Dec 2021, shielding from Covid, Jonesing for ME and having no ME to play, I decided to give Andromeda "one last bash." (Note: I do **ALL** side quests and 'busy work' in games that I can so I can experience everything)

OMFG. How much content?!!

I am actually ashamed of how I have bad-mouthed this incredible piece of gaming artistry in the past.

On reflection, this was partly because of the sh**t-show of the ME3 ending, and that it did not continue the battle of Shepard and Humanity against the Reapers.

My bad.

My regret.

Once you get past the realisation that this is not a continuation of the fight against the reapers, and that this is actually a clever exploration of how Humans and the other races from this galaxy interact with the new races they encounter in Andromeda, it starts to grow on you.

(Yes, there is a *LOT* of running and shooting, crafting and upgrading, with active online multiplayer components for those interested. Servers still active Dec 2021)

I'm not going to say that ME Andromeda is better than the other ME titles, or that you too might have been swayed by how the studio (allegedly) was forced to bring the ME saga to a close.

What I will say is, give it a chance.

It IS different in places, but still essentially the same ME goodness, with a few tweaks.

The game mechanics design build on the characteristics of the species we already know and love, with new aspects and features that bringing a breath of fresh air.

Currently 90+ hours in and according to the game's own reporting metrics: only 47% complete!!

Give it a chance. Throw away misconceptions. Enjoy a whole new galaxy of ME.

I only wish I'd played it sooner.

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