Popcultured (2005–2006)
This was torture!!
15 December 2021
I love reading IMDB reviews on the most horrible stuff ever put to the big and small screen. I read all the reviews because I have never seen anything yet where ALL the ratings were "1" or nothing.

I hoped to find an episode on YouTube and I was successful. First off, we have some incredibly horrendous programming and movies being cranked out in the U. S.. It's rather embarrassing with all of the reality shows and crap TV shows and reboots/remakes of everything. (Yes, you Disney, with Home Sweet Home Alone). Popcultured was right up there. If it were made now, Netflix would have probably have bought the rights to produce it.

I watched Episode 63 (at least that many made it to air, huh) and what is sad is that a few things actually made me snicker but the delivery was awful. I did laugh at the bit about the porn star running for Governor of Washington and then having to go to court. The woman was scary and too dumb to live. I have never heard of Elvira Hurt but if she is a comedian, she should have memorized her monologue instead of reading from a cue card. Her voice and cadence were that of a discount Ellen DeGeneres and I'm not a fan of hers either.

Elvira interviewed Leonard Maltin. She kept talking over him and asked the dumbest questions. He was engaging enough to make it tolerable. They talked about the litany of bad movies that year, in hindsight they get that honor for the worst show. Humor in Hindsight!!

Every segment had a person who was worse than the previous. The correspondant dressed as an egg at a horror convention was insufferable. Then, of all people, she had to talk with Crispin Glover. Yikes!! That man is in his own orbit.

The two "battle of the..." sequences were cringy. The content was actually kind of funny but the voiceover was not.

The nail-in-the-coffin was the guy who talked about gadgets. Obviously reading from cue cards and a voice all over the place.

I like Canada as a country so I will bow my head in sympathy for you for having to claim that mess!
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