Review of Antlers

Antlers (2021)
What an anti climax
14 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I had been looking forward to seeing this ever since the first trailer dropped well over a year ago, but because of the'virus of unknown origin' brought the world to its knees, it was pushed back, pushed back again and pushed back yet again until it finally released last month to very little media attention and almost no advertising.

I finally got to see it last night and while I did enjoy it for the most part, the ending just completely killed it for me.

The film is well shot, well acted, well directed, it's atmospheric in parts, genuinely creepy in others and moves along at a brisk enough pace to keep you entertained.

The effects were good and the monster itself is really cool when you finally see it but boy what an anti climactic ending.

:::::::Spoilers ahead:::::::

The ending has our lead female come face to face with the huge, hulking creature of the film, it's big, it's scary and it's intimidating as hell and......It's....completely useless.

It hits her and knocks her flying across the floor and she then gets to her feet, picks up a large spike and stabs it a couple of times while it just stands there as if to say, 'come on, kill me' and it drops dead. There's no epic battle, no getting back up, this huge hulking pile of spikes that has murdered and torn apart everyone else in the film, without so much as taking a scratch, gets defeated by a small skinny woman with a big stick in less than a few seconds, without even managing to mess up her hair. It's pathetic.

This whole film that has been building dread and suspense all the way through, is completely undone by a lame, short and just stupid ending. It's like they either ran out of money or ran out of ideas on how the film should end and just said 'to hell with it, just film something quickly and get it into theaters.

It's such a shame as I really enjoyed the rest of the film, it's one of, if not the best Wendigo movie I've seen (which isn't hard to be honest) but the ending just ruined the whole experience for me.
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