Power Play (1978)
Military dirge
13 December 2021
...not the missing Hollywood CGI, direction drags on through too many takes - - (Donald, whoosh) and the the only thing interesting is Plenty O'Tools hair wave. When you're bald you think about those kinds of things. Not that it bothers Donald much - - the movie seems to skip around him, he seems wasted. I'm glad the Yanks hired Barry Morse and I'm a big fan of the Fugitive, nice seeing Barry in a film. Maybe the money made him cry or Peter's posing. Poseur. Actors are so competitive. I hope Barry got up to the others level in pay. David Hemmings should have done a sequel to Blowup, an excellent film, he's just not military material. Peter - - too effeminate here, and not helped by the end credits body count on a pole.
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