Encounter (III) (2021)
No Sci-fi but the harsh reality of PTSD
11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Encounter" tells the story of a former marine, Malik Khan (Ahmed) who is watching for signs of an alien invasion. One he thinks that is quietly overtaking the country following a meteor shower that brought a parasitic creature. The biggest mistake of the movie is the trailer. After seeing the trailer, you will expect aliens and a real Sci-fi movie. Nope. This movie deals with the harsh reality of soldiers coming back from a war and suffering mental problems. I have nothing but respect for these soldiers and this movie shows this aspect. Outstanding acting from Riz Ahmed (Malik Khan) and his two sons in the movie, Lucian-River Chauhan (Jay) and Aditya Geddada (Bobby). You will hear from these boys in the future. This is an excellent movie, well shot and nice scenery. Forget the trailer and enjoy this movie.
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