One of the best movies of 2021
10 December 2021
Operatic yet gritty in scope and gloom, 'Berlin Alexanderplatz' is one of 2021's highlights. Director Burhan Qurbani is to be commended for joining the rare rank of directors who are unafraid of an epic length to allow their stories and characters to develop - I wouldn't cut any of the 3 hours.

Welket Bungué is excellent as a frustrating character I both rooted for and berated. Albrecht Schuch is darkly exuberant as the protagonist, competing with the likes of Anthony Hopkins for actor of the year.

If there's a lesson to be learned it's that loyalty can be an addiction, and that addiction isn't love.

I am encouraged to find Qurbani's previous movie, 'We Are Young, We Are Strong'.
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