Death Valley (II) (2021)
What hath hell wrought? This dog fart of a movie.
9 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. I just finished watching this on Shudder and oh my word, was it bad. I honestly have not seen such a terrible movie in quite some time and I am usually quite generous with my ratings....but this POS, God. The only redeemable thing in the whole affair is the makeup effects of the monster. This is the only thing I can say that is positive.

Even if you are like me and can stomach a bad movie for killer effects and gore, this has none of that. Only a few people die very lame deaths.

Right after it started I couldn't believe how badly editied, written and acted what I was watching was that I started this list of things I found dumb. Halfway through I stopped because I had filled any entire page in word. Here are the highlights in the dialogue catagory:

"My only good quality is that I am good in bed!"

"You can be mad at me when we get home!"-"That's if we get home."

"Let's hope I know how to read a map."-said by a career special forces guy.

"She broke up with me because I am too good at sex"

"Sometimes to beat the monster, you have to become the monster"

Again, these are just a few of the pearls in this heap.

Within 30 seconds of starting the mission, the good guys run into a random dude with a metal detector literally instantly blowing their cover. We are introduced to the location via flyover, shown the two guys and after trading a single line of dialogue, run into the guy. Oh and then they tie him up and leave, and a minute later there is a shot of the metal detector guys cuffs on the ground meaning he got free and then the two good guys, now 6 guys for some reason, start getting shelled. They arrive, get spotted and then are attacked in about two minutes....until they kill the one metal detector guy and magically all the fighting stops. Even though they were being shelled and shot at by multiple attackers.

There was a, what I guess was supposed to be cool, slow-mo shot of the main character having a mortar go off a foot in front of his face and it just hurts his ears a little. You know, like real life.

After the fight, one of the soldiers immediately recommends leaving a wounded guy behind and while they don't, they completely forget to properly check another wounded guy who is left behind and killed.

What a turd.
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