Harvest Love (2017 TV Movie)
Not in love with this
9 December 2021
Really wanted to like 'Harvest Love' a lot more. Have liked Jen Lilley and Ryan Paevey in other things, though Lilley is rather hit and miss depending on her character. The concept, though formulaic, was quite nice on paper. Did like the previous 2017 Fall Harvest film, 'Falling for Vermont', a good deal and there were some good films that Hallmark did in 2017 (i.e. 'The Birthday Wish'). This did have potential to be a lot better than it turned out.

'Harvest Love' was rather disappointing and the potential it had is generally wasted. A major step down from 'Falling for Vermont'. Hallmark did do worse films in 2017 (i.e. 'At Home in Mitford'), but of the Fall Harvest films that year this is towards the bottom. It's not a disaster, saved by Paevey and the child actor, but Lilley and how her character is written for examples badly stopped me from even moderately enjoying 'Harvest Love'.

Am going to begin with the good. Paevey's character is a rather dull and naive one, but somehow Paevey manages to bring a good deal of likeability, subtle charisma and a good nature to the role. Brenden Sunderland as Andy is truly adorable and heartfelt, his chemistry with Paevey is very believable and the only relationship in the film that works in any shape or form.

The film looks good, with a lovingly designed/kept pear orchard that made me quite nostalgic and the photography was clearly in love with it to photograph it as beautifully as it did.

Lilley however looks very ill at ease and rabbit in the headlights-like throughout, limits her expressions to just two and overuses them to overkill effect. Really didn't care for her character either, too young, too introverted and too saccharine and she did come over as rather self-absorbed, wooden and vapid. While Paevey does a good job with what he is given, the character lacks development and it was a bit of a stretch seeing how he could still find appeal in someone so unappealing.

Very few of the characters felt real and instead more like standard Hallmark cut outs, the one exception being Ryan. The chemistry between Lilley and Paevey is barely there and doesn't really go anywhere a lot of the time before rushing very late into the film. The script is very stilted, especially Lilley's with so many incomplete sounding sentences that come over as gobbledegook. The story is very predictable, has very little charm, heart or lightness, is very forced in conflict and dragged out. Did find it too easily resolved and there is nothing distinctive about the music or direction.

Overall, rather lacklustre. 4/10.
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