The Sweetest Heart (2018 TV Movie)
Sweet and heart-warming
8 December 2021
Have seen the two leads, Julie Gonzalo and Chris McNally, individually in other things and both are very likeable when their material is good. The scenario for the first 2018 Spring Fever film from Hallmark is a pretty typical one and it's easy to tell from the outset that there was going to be little originality, but it is hard to resist anything with cupcakes if you like me have a sweet touch. Hallmark's output is wildly variable in all their seasonal blockings, but they have been known to do some watchable things.

'The Sweetest Heart' is definitely one of those watchable efforts. More than watchable in fact, actually though pretty good as long as not too much is expected. As far as the 2018 Spring Fever films go, it is one of the better ones and is not at all bad for Hallmark's 2018 output. Am not going to say that 'The Sweetest Heart' is a great film because it isn't, but it is a very charmingly sweet film with a very warm heart and without being too sickly sweet. Like it easily could have been, considering what it revolves around.

As to be expected, there is very little new here and did feel that it dragged on occasions. Especially in the final quarter or so, which felt too convenient and under-cooked at the end.

Did find McNally a little too restrained to begin with as well.

But actually, there is not an awful lot wrong. Gonzalo is very engaging and likeable, her character is a flawed one but she's not overly flawed and she grows. McNally on the whole has a nice subtle easy going charm that is immensely appealing, and he and Gonzalo do have spark together and make for a cute couple. Their relationship is not meaty but it develops at a decent rate and isn't underused. Andrea Brooks brings some welcome vim to her role and the supporting cast are solid.

It is a very nice looking film too, one of Hallmark's best looking 2018 films in my view. The scenery really does entrance and the photography doesn't cheapen it at all. The music at least fits tonally and in placement and has presence without being over-loud. The dialogue is sharp enough and flows naturally, while also having the right amount of sentiment (not too much in quality and quantity). The characters aren't complex, then again that shouldn't be expected watching Hallmark, but aren't too stereotypical and are likeable enough. The story may be predictable and not perfect in pace, but it is incredibly charming, sweet without being too sugary and very heart-warming. There is a nice lightness to it too.

Concluding, not great but nice effort. 7/10.
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