9-1-1: Wrapped in Red (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
Decent But Depressing
7 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most of this episode was good despite being depressing for a Christmas episode. We got multiple calls for the 118 (something that's becoming rare). Athena giving excellent advice to the two women wronged by the same man, to focus on the real enemy (him not each other). Some funny discussion around Buck and Taylor getting each other gifts and being clueless. And my favorite, Christopher bossing Eddie around while decorating. That was very cute and amusing even though things escalated and we later realized Chris was really going through something. We even finally got Eddie beginning to recognize that he's been through a lot and sort of admit that he isn't over it.

That said, the cliffhanger was terrible. And I don't mean in the normal "I can't believe I have to wait to find out what happens" way. But rather, "This makes me sad and I hope they don't ruin the show" way.

I could tell it was going in that direction, and I know cliffhangers are supposed to be shocking and maybe make you worry, but this was too much. In a season where lots of fans have been frustrated by main characters being gone, acting out of character, being paired with people they have no chemistry with, having no scenes with characters who they're supposedly close with, having another fan favorite decide to leave felt like a knockout blow. The one positive, is it does offer a chance for more development for Eddie and I am always here for that. I just don't really trust I'm gonna like where it's going.

I'm still hopeful that the off-ness of this season is intentional and that the second half of the season will show everyone coming back together in the ways we love but it would've been nice for the cliffhanger to be a little more exciting and little less depressing.

Final thought: How did we go from Eddie making Buck Chris' legal guardian if he dies to Buck and Chris sharing 0.5 mins of screen time this season and Buck's level of concern for Chris being that of a casual acquaintance?
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