The Rookie: Hit and Run (2021)
Season 4, Episode 8
Entirely too much bodycam footage
6 December 2021
Came here to look up who directed this episode, because it was a departure from the general quality of the show. The bodycam footage was not artfully used as it has been in the past, instead it seemed it was the bulk of the episode for no reason at all? There is no reason a viewer would want to see from the POV of a bodycam when the wearer is sprinting (I felt momentarily nauseated). There is no reason a viewer needs to look through the lens of the bodycam when cops are just chatting at a counter in the station. And then I suppose the show figured they were all in and were like hm, well the bad guy has a camera too! Let's have the audience see from that POV, too, because it is also low quality viewing and adds nothing to the story! It doesn't even make sense. It just seemed like a very phoned in episode, and like they thought the novelty of constantly changing POVs would somehow trick the viewer into thinking they were watching something interesting. Disappointing episode, both for the directorial choices and the lack of a decent plot (seemed like a lot of setup; hopefully next episode will be better).
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