Battlefield 2042 (2021 Video Game)
sub-par product
6 December 2021
Hello readers, i've been on this website for 15 years and made an account a decade or so ago and this is my first review so let that add or subtract from your approval of my judgement as it may, all that time i didn't add anything because i felt i did not have much if at all to contribute to the already existing reviews & discussions but i think i have an answer to why an unknown trait is missing and why people can't point out the ominous ever-present feeling of 'something ain't right here'

i like the Godzilla movie from 1998, i realize it's not a particularly well acclaimed movie in a critic's eyes and my brain's critical side knows that too but i feel as giddy as the first time i watched that movie when i was a kid it's a homely mindless escapist fun filled with amazement, awe and child-like wonder to me

a similar pleasure can be derived from this game and nothing more; not unless you stop caring altogether about criticism warranted or otherwise

and the reason is that DiCE and think tanks alike financed by wall street firms have found a way to get short-term profit for the shareholders and not piss off a substantial percentage of the customers by offering a less than mediocre product but hinging their goodwill hopes of improving the game as time goes on

this psychological trick is the reason the game is as it is today - very far from a masterpiece but also VERY far from a bad product

this is the aether that is responsible for the reduction in quality (subjective and objective), unfinished product at release and a myriad of other boilerplate issues associated with this game's release and the decisions taken by the developers and the executives at DiCE

this is what is happening in the video-game, automobile and movie industries along with the fact that a new sucker is born everyday, people have thinner skins because social media has designed their algorithms to keep the in-fighting going along with dumbing down the room algorithms perpetuating this phenomena.

This will sell as has been selling and has been sold; this is the way the system works and sustains designers and decision-makers and the people dependent on them.

Few chase quality, and a fewer still achieve it and even then some achieve more than others (but you can't tell if that is the case without a scoreboard); most chase money and you can't even blame them for being greedy cos it's just sustenance.

I am sad this tide hit this franchise too.

Cheers and thanks for reading.

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