an important notice to all women around the world...
6 December 2021
Its not cool to kill men, they are better off when tormented thinks the grumpy old man, who thinks this films message of a mad mad world that solely has been made so due to men of the kind, has been far to underrated till now 12/7-21, just because its a great film on the production level, and some of the acting are far above average. When it comes to story, plot and contents i will be more reluctant , said in a mild kinda manner.

Its a social media ''gaming'' over the digital platforms, that starts an inquisition of medeval proportions, a witchhunt for men that becomes utterly gory bloody and violent, with passages of ultimate overkill that may shake and stirr a fainthearted sole who did the misstep to make a stroll to the movie theater at this particullar moment viewing this bonecrushing and mindmelting flick called''this games called murder''...

because its a gory black comedy, that may remind you of the recent published film called mayday, making it feel like a womens lib story, only far more graphic and stunningly gory from beginning to end. The mental sickness's ambience that sets the tension alight are overwhelmingly presented by the cast, and it will soon become a cult classic for the hardcore of gutterly fun lovers...

i enjoyed the sets, the special effects, its musical score, and the ever so tender feeling of hope for the main caracter in the end. But be aware, this is a film with a frivolic fantasy and you will be surging surprise and/or vomit if your not into the genre. I'm a hardened creature due to some experience by the silver screen, debuting as a very fragile teen with ''the city of the living dead'' back in the early 80's, which brandmarked me as an antigorehorror for 30 years, therefore caution should be made if your young and britteling fragile. For the rest though its a recommend.
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