Review of Skylight

Skylight (2014)
It rarely gets better than this.
5 December 2021
Three incredible actors at the top of their game. A sharp, funny script by one of Britain's best playwrights. And an incredible vivid staging that allows the actors to really show off their chops while enhancing the claustrophobic material impoverishment of Kira's current life. When Nighy bursts in, it's like a 1000w light has been lit, and he rages around this tight set like an angry lion. Mulligan is not frightened of him, though. She rages back, but in a more deliberate manner, showing who really has the control over her life and the situation.

And delicate, gangly, funny Matthew Beard is the thread that unites the two halves of the play and the lives of the two players, playing a spoilt, obnoxious but also incredibly endearing Edward.

Honestly one of the best 'theatre' experiences I've ever had. Thank you to NT Live for allowing us to participate even though we live in Australia.
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