Hit-Monkey (2021–2024)
Took me by surprise
4 December 2021
Love everything about this show except one and only thing. The animation style is a little rough for me. But other than that this show is amazing, perfect balance of humor, sadness, and serious undertones along with some bad ass action sequences. I first read about hit monkey in the Daniel Way run of Deadpool where he had a pretty short but funny arc with a contract for Deadpool himself. I wish I had followed up on the character with the comic series they decided to make debuting him. But this show is a pretty compelling telling of the hit monkey tale. Not sure how cannon it is to the comics and 10 episodes is just not enough, but it's all around fun. Episode 1 had me hooked for sure. I would compare it to the likes of archer, actually I feel it was influenced by that show which I also enjoy. Only perhaps with the humor toned down just a tad. All in all highly recommend but definitely leave the kiddos out of this one!
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