Silly, yes, but irrepressibly charming
2 December 2021
Okay, I can't help myself: This is a wonderfully cheesy bit of fun. Yes, the special effects are a bit over the top, even sparingly employed as they are. The film is overflowing with kitsch in every possible way, and "contrivance" is the word of the day, every day, where Cupid is concerned. It's so ham-handed as to be overbearing in that regard, and in the broad strokes of the plot there are no surprises to be had. There's also something to be said for the overarching concept of an immortal being manipulating romantic involvement between two people who wouldn't be together in the first place otherwise - but, I'm pleased to say, this doesn't go unaddressed.

I think it would be a mistake to say this is perfect, not least of all for the employment of a couple unfortunate tropes, and the extra forcefulness at the climax, and denouement. However, for any indelicacies on hand - one look at the title, let alone the premise, informs exactly what this movie is. If one is at all receptive to the type of feel-good nonsense 'Cupid for Christmas' represents, then this is delightfully entertaining.

I honestly really enjoy Patricia Harrington's screenplay. Whatever else is true of the narrative, it's written well. Overdone as the whole affair is, there's substantial wit and intelligence in the dialogue and scene writing, and a fair bit of minor madcap energy. Why, even with the additional layers of camp, in no small part the picture echoes big budget holiday comedies with much larger stars and major studio backing. And the cast is an absolute joy. All involved fully lean into the exaggerated, ridiculous, heartfelt bombast, chief actors and supporting cast alike. Though his is only a small part, I appreciate Richard Kind's anchoring portrayal of Cupid. Above all, however, star Melanie Stone is a real treat as overexcited, out of touch Ruby. I've seen a great number of Stone's films at this point, and once again she impresses with a performance completely embracing her character, filled with range, adaptable physicality, nuance, and strength of personality. Stone seems quite happy to make features outside the classic Hollywood studios, but I think she deserves a lot more recognition - she could have those parts, if she wanted them.

Any viewer who isn't open to overblown, preposterous holiday romantic comedies should look away right now; this movie isn't for you. Yet for anyone who appreciates the simple enchanting amusement that the genre can represent, this is so much better than it has any right to be. I entered with at best mixed expectations, and am gratified with what I got instead. 'Cupid for Christmas' is smart, clever, genuinely funny - and self-aware, to a measurable extent. It's earnest in its outlandish fancy, and very well made - and gets a higher recommendation than I ever would have imagined myself giving.
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