A likeable film
1 December 2021
The two main actors, Ray Milland and Rosalind Russell are such fine professionals and give beautiful, consistent performances.

Russell goes full out with the slapstick -- she's courageous and commits on stage. A model for all actors afraid to go there. Such simiiarities to Lucille Ball.

The music had great accompaniment by the acting, punched certain points and the actors followed suit as well. Ray Milland's facial expressions are study in authentic reaction.

Funny moments; quick pace; and very good performances. The challenge was with the writing. It's just No - no- no - no - until a flip in the last 30 seconds. So the writing seems one note. There is no found love lost love found love. It's just no love, then a flip. That can be tiring for the audience.

It's predictable, but solid. Two fine actors make it very soiid.
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