If you have always wondered what Amelie Poulain gone wrong could have looked like...
29 November 2021
Or Pushing Daisies, or The Crazy Ex Girlfriend.

The entire time I was watching the movie, I couldn't help but to think about those 3 references. Unfortunately, we are faaaar away from this level, for the following reasons:
  • The acting is terrible, so much so that the main actress sometimes forget to act like the condition she has.

  • The storyline makes absolutely no sense- well actually there is none from the moment she has her diagnosis.

  • It is not cute, nor funny, or teaching you anything, or making you think about anything.

  • The scenes where she is imagining things (hello crazy ex girlfriends fans) are too long, too lousy, then end up being the reality...? They lost me more than once on those stuff.

I have watched it a few days ago and I am still sitting here, wondering: what was this movie about? If you are adventurous, go watch and find out. If not, please spare yourself 90 minutes of your life time.
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