Excellent character-based drama
28 November 2021
I remember meeting some Polish guys in London by chance in the very early 70s. I was astonished and asked them how they had got out. They laughed and told me that Poland had liberal policies for allowing tourists to the West. I think that chance meeting closed my eyes to the true horror of the Stalinist state that Poland really was and which is portrayed unflinchingly in the film.

Suspects get beaten up, arrested wrongfully, forced to confess. But lets not go to far overboard on this. It was happening in France, the US, the UK too. As in the film, public lavatories were raided by cops in the UK as well. Lives were ruined.

Robert, the son of a Secret Service colonel, has a sense of morality and open mindedness. When he and his colleague are tasked with finding the murderer of a prominent closeted gay man, he thinks naively that they will be properly investigating. He should have realised that by he and his partner being given the case instead of the murder squad that there were plots within plots.

Unsatisfied by the culmination of the case, he strikes out on his own to find a web of corruption that extends right to the top. During this personal inquiry, he discovers himself and his true desires.

Desperate danger arrives for him and the new friends he has made and he makes his personal, political, moral and professional choice during an award ceremony for having "solved" the original murder. In the final scene, we are left hoping against hope that he can keep the promise that he made to Arek.

The period details of this film were perfect. I loved the music being played in the bars and formal dinners, so incredibly old-fashioned compared to the West. The clothes and the filming locations were perfect. A true-to-life detail was that everyone smoked. Virtually every scene had people lighting up.

Tension was held through the whole of the running time of one hour and fifty minutes. There wasn't a minute I was tempted to look at my watch or phone. I highly recommend this film.
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