Raging Fire (2021)
Solid Action Sequences
27 November 2021
Everything else should have been left on the cutting room floor. The dialogue is terrible, the story is predictable and the pacing is extremely inconsistent. If you have a two hour runtime you need to give us a reason to care for the characters. The action sequences are interspersed throughout the two hour runtime inconsistently, leaving a lot of time to fall asleep when nothing interesting happens when people aren't being stabbed or shot. If you can't fill the gaps of the movie without action with somewhat interesting substance than you might as well rewrite the script to have a better flow and cut the runtime by thirty minutes.

All gripes with the story, pacing, acting and characters aside. The the action sequences are a delight. There are several that are directed with a level of energy you don't see in big Hollywood blockbusters and it was a pleasure watching the choreography on screen. What helps the action is the variety. There are fight sequences, car chases, shootouts, knife-fights and the obligatory hero vs villain fight scene at the end. No doubt the action will satisfy anyone looking for bone crunching action. Unfortunately everything else will make you either fall asleep or check your phone waiting for the next action sequence to commence.
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