Some Girls Do (1969)
"Do remember you're British"
27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's not James Bond. It's not Bulldog Drummond. It's not even Johnny English. It's a poor sequel to 'Deadlier Than The Male' made in 1967, which wasn't that great anyway. It suffers from a lack of Nigel Green, Elke Sommer and Sylva Koscina from the previous film and a lackadaisical performance from Richard Johnson as Drummond, who was too good an actor for this sort of thing. The acting is mostly flaccid but I did enjoy Ronnie Stevens as Peregrine Carruthers and Florence Desmond as Lady Manderley but she was in it only briefly alas. Sydne Rome as Flicky was particularly annoying. The forgettable plot had something to do with sabotage, ultrasound and female robots. There probably was a music score but I don't recall any of it. And what some girls did in 'Some Girls Do' I never really understood. Whatever, it's a silly title.
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