Star Trek: Discovery: Anomaly (2021)
Season 4, Episode 2
Remember that kid from Mass Effect 3?
25 November 2021
The one that Commander Shepard is always having nightmares of, after seeing his shuttle blown up by the Reapers? Yep, he's being appropriated too.

Synopsis: The crew set out to measure the anomaly. "Emotions" and "feelings" happened along the way. The end.

  • There are now two captains onboard Discovery. I have no idea how command structure works anymore. Like, why is Tilly reporting her findings to Saru instead of Burnham?

  • They also made a reference to Picard's now "synthetic" body. Cute of the writers to think this is what fans care about.

  • Nice of the writers to give Lt. Bryce a few lines, hope they are not gonna kill him off soon, like how they killed off Airiam after giving her some screen time. Good that she reincarnated into human form.

  • It is hilarious to see explosions (fireworks) blowing all over the bridge. Hilarious in the sense that you can literally see them hidden in holes/vents specifically designed for those fireworks.

  • Towards the end, Book gave up trying because reasons, or more like because the writers needed conflict. But don't you worry child coz sure as hell Michael saved the day. Oopsie, spoilers.

  • On the bright side, we get to know "Lieutenant Aloka" and "Ensign Neville" perished alongside Commander Nalas last episode. At least they have names.
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