Review of Black Lake

Black Lake (2016–2018)
First season TOP, second season LESS
25 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There will be SPOILERS.

The first season turns around a distant ski-resort, which never effectively opened due to a dramatic homicidal crime in the opening season. Since then, 30 years ago, it's kept on minimum capacity by a caretaker and 2 brothers of the nearby village. A young representative of a family bussinnes, sees perspective in the secluded surroundings. To inspect it further he books a sky trip for his friends and himself. Right from the start of there arrival things seems to go wrong or not as expacted. The longer the stories goes the more the history unveil itself, with all the bad horror consequences as result. Nobody seems to be honest, specially the caretaker and the two brothers from the village. Along with the mostly twisted backgrounds of the characters things get cincerly out of hand like a good horror flick supose to. Add a mysterious dark force and things really starts hitting the vens. Skincrawling stupide behaviour runs all over the place topping it of as better than average.

It's hard to work through the first 20 minutes but then it got above e.
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