Say Yes (I) (2018)
Say "Yes" to the Unconventional
25 November 2021
A simple, sensitively written and filmed romantic story that follows three close knit people, a wife, her husband, and her twin brother as they cope with Lily's high-stage cancer. The wife, Lily, and her brother, Caden, are very unconventional while the husband, Beau, is very conventional. Beau and Caden take special care of Lily as she battles cancer, and Lily tries to provide for Beau and Caden's happiness if she should lose her battle with cancer. Beau and Caden's care of Lily is conventional, while her plans for Beau and Caden are not conventional: that they become life partners to each other. The screenplay is very good and believable. The acting is well done: you become endeared to all the characters. This is a film you may watch again and again.
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