Review of Prey

The Walking Dead: Prey (2013)
Season 3, Episode 14
Some great moments but largely predictable and a bit contrived
22 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Andrea leaves Woodbury with the Governor in pursuit.

What I mistakenly thought might be a case of stretching the series out in the episode 'Clear' feels to be the case in 'Prey' as the impending confrontation between the two survivor groups is deferred in favour of a Woodbury focused episode of more build up and character development.

The character writing is reasonably good, but largely overdone. The Governor is dislikable enough already, but here he gets even worse with his treatment of Andrea, who the writers are finally making suffer for those bad choices she made at the earlier part of series 3. His pursuit of her is full of creepy moments, but it is all highly predictable, particularly what happens when she first enters the woods to hide and when she eventually reaches the prison.

Tyreese and his group go through some relatively good moments in the sub-plot. It was established several episodes ago that he and Sasha appear to be decent whilst Allen is written as thoroughly dislikable. All this really does for me is add further confrontation and hint towards a possible switch of allegiance in the future.

The visuals and effects are as strong as ever, however I have come to a point with 'The Walking Dead' where the sight of someone stabbing a zombie in the head or smashing its brains all over my television screen does not have the same shock or entertainment value it once had.

All performances are great, particularly Chad Coleman who I also enjoyed as Dennis in 'The Wire', and has the knack of appearing physically hard as nails but with a gentle heart.
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