Review of Nine Ten

SEAL Team: Nine Ten (2021)
Season 5, Episode 3
NOT a filler episode
20 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was the best episode I've seen in a long time. Those calling it filler have missed the whole point of the episode.

As a service member who joined on June 16 2001, who served 4 deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq, and who continues to serve, perhaps this one hit closer to home for me than most, but it really made me think back on how my life was changed on that day.

Even if you don't have such a close personal connection, this episode did more to advance the character backstories than the entire last few seasons. With the story arc of Ray's captivity and PTSD aside, the show has really devolved into one generic op after another that just follow the same formula. Jason quits then comes back every season, Sonny always has some kind of trouble, and Spencer's love life just goes back and forth. It was maybe a bit cliché, but this episode really dove into their life choices and motivations, and for once added some real depth to their stories.

And it was a great tribute to 9/11 - bravo guys.
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