Gideon's Trumpet (1980 TV Movie)
A most improbable true story.
18 November 2021
"Gideon's Trumpet" is an exceptional made for TV movie. Part of it is the actors involved...with Henry Fonda, John Houseman and Jose Ferrer (all Oscar winners) appearing in the movie. It's also because I had never heard of this case and it's about one of the most important convictions the Supreme Court ever overturned.

In the early 1960s, Clarence Earl Gideon was arrested for a petty theft. At his trial, he was not represented by a lawyer, as he could not afford one and, amazingly, the state of Florida would not give him one! Apparently, at that time, states could decide whether or not and on a case by case basis to appoint counsel in any case! It's hard to imagine, but Gideon was forced to represent himself and, not being a lawyer, he was convicted.

Once in prison, Gideon became a 'jailhouse lawyer'. In other words, he read up on criminal law and actually petitioned the US Supreme Court to have his conviction overturned since he was not given legal counsel...even though he requested it. And, surprisingly, without a lawyer, he was able to get the Court to hear his case!! What happens next? See the film.

Overall, this is a fascinating movie...well acted, well written and important to see since it established a now recognized right for every American. Well worth seeing.
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