Phenomenal Doesn't Begin to Describe This Documentary!
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Phenomenal doesn't even begin to describe this documentary. It is the best documentary I have ever seen. I started it sometime between 7:00 and 7:30. I finished it at 11:20, yet it was only a 2 hour documentary. I had to keep pausing to take notes as well as rewinding to hear or see things again. I took 13 pages of notes.

It was incredibly educational. I left it infuriated with the people who are abusing and exploiting big cats especially those who are using them as ambassadors for CONservation, like Dave Salmoni and Grant Kemmerer. Those guys use cats and then throw them away, usually never to be seen again. Cats routinely disappear with no way to ever find them and they have no remorse for doing so. All of the cats that are used, abused, and killed just so they can make money are worth nothing to them. They're just objects. It exposed Jack Hanna, The Columbus Zoo, and even the AZA's Animal Welfare Committee for doing it as well, even though people put their trust in those facilities and organizations not to do that! And it has caused the AZA and The Columbus Zoo to make changes for the better (ie revoking the Zoo's accreditation and parting ways with those exposed in the documentary). We also saw Grant Kemmerer working with 2 Leopard cubs on a talk show alongside Robert Irwin, son of Steve Irwin, so it even exposes the Irwins!

I also left the documentary with a deepened love and appreciation for everything Tim Harrison, Jeff Kremer, Carole Baskin, Carney Anne Nasser, and more do for the animals and the immense struggles they face in doing it. I have known for a long time how good the bad guys are at covering their tracks (and how good the good guys are at investigating thosw wrongdoings), but not to the extent shown in The Conservation Game. Seeing how hard it is for them to track these people down, but also track the cats down (in the few cases they even can do so) gives me a whole new level of respect for what those guys do day in and day out. They put their lives in danger every day, but they keep fighting regardless, which is inspirational. They have been threatened, slandered, and everything in between but they still push forward. I can only hope to be as strong of an advocate for the animals as they are!

The Conservation Game is powerful, emotional, educational, and is changing the game in the fight to end the plight of the 10,000 Tigers (plus other big cat species too) that are in captivity in the United States. Everyone needs to see this film!
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