The Flash: Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3 (2017)
Season 4, Episode 8
What The Heck?
16 November 2021
I have enjoyed this show for the most part. Yet, I constantly am annoyed by the fact that The Flash just leaves bits of information out of the program. Then they expect us, I assume, to just guess and postulate what is supposed to be happening with plot lines, new characters, missing characters, etc, etc.

When some villains got freed in one episode there was a bad meta among them who could shoot lasers out of his eyes. Who was this character? I have absolutely no idea. In watching this show on Netflix, that character was never introduced to us on this show. Yet, there he was and I assume we were just supposed to guess for ourselves who the heck that was? So silly.

There have been other instances such as that which leads me to this episode and a shining example of what I'm referring to. The title of this episode is something akin to "Crisis on Earth X: Part 3." Uhhhh..... what the frig happened to part 1 and part 2?! They were never shown on The Flash.

The only thing I can figure is that they were shown on another DC superhero television show, possibly The Arrow, maybe? I don't know, I don't currently watch that show. But it doesn't matter where parts 1 & 2 were shown. Because I'm completely lost trying to watch this show with a part 3 where the previous parts are just left up to my imagination I guess. It's just madness I tell you, madness.

I like the this program but I quite often feel like the episodes are shown out of order on Netflix and entire plot lines are just never shown at all. It's ridiculous and kind of disrespectful to the viewers in my opinion.

I have no idea why we are being shown a part 3 when the first two don't exist within this show. But, to that creators, I ask you to please fix this crazy way of showing us, The Flash. My rating of 4 is for this episode alone. Up until now I would have given the overall show a 7 stars rating probably. Yet, I think I'm going to stop watching this program completely to be honest. It's too annoying to try and keep up with the plot I've found even entire episodes aren't even shown.
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