Project Runway: #STREETWEAR (2021)
Season 19, Episode 2
A full perspective allows the ability to see fault on both sides.
14 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's troubling to read all the reactions that favor one side or the other and yet there is NONE to point out that there was mismanaging of the situation on both sides of this argument. This episode should be shown in classes for conflict resolution so people can work through it and give better solutions. Megan had a right to be upset that she was asked to switch at the last minute after she had already prepared an outfit for the fit of her model. She knew if she said no she would look bad and labeled as either a racist and/or hypocrite since she had been so vocal about the prior situation with the Haitian designer. With that said, Megan's reaction was entirely inappropriate and reckless which was the catalyst for a continuum of wrong actions from that point on all around. She should have calmly tried to explain that it was unprofessional to ask for the switch at such a last moment and that it puts her in a difficulty position but instead she was rude and callous with her remarks. However, then the other designers just basically declare her as either racist or the fake white savior which is dragging things to an extreme that didn't need to happen. What Megan demonstrated was a lack of ability to manage her emotions. She found herself in a situation that she knew put her at a disadvantage no matter what decision she made and she didn't know how to handle that. She deserved to be reprimanded for her treatment of Kenneth and maybe even kicked off the show for it but the reactions on the other side were a gross exaggeration that did nothing to offer any resolution to the situation. Someone should have taken the time to point out to Megan how her behavior was unacceptable and how she could make it better. Instead she was labeled and chastised leading to two wrongs not making a right.
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