14 November 2021
After rediscovering Room at the Top (1958) and discovering Life at the Top (1965), the excellent, underappreciated sequel, this fairly recent remake piqued my curiosity. It is nothing if not well acted, and the different take on each character did interest me. But the message of the original films and books is stood on its head. Those were biting social commentary. This remake is mere soap opera.

In the original film's ending, Joe and Susan leave the church after their wedding, chauffeured in a custom Rolls-Royce fit for royalty. But Joe is already getting restless, visibly tiring of Susan's stupid chatter. Joe's future stir-craziness, coming in the sequel, is clearly foreshadowed. In the latter film, the strongest actor is Jenna Coleman, who is incapable of the blandness the character of Susan calls for. Joe warms to her so well, that this is transformed into a tale of happily ever after. Meh!

As a car guy, I appreciate the film's four-wheeled star. Somehow, the Aisgills have a gorgeous, 1936 Crossley Regis Six. It does suit the scenic design to a tee.
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