Gravesend (2020– )
What a Joke!
10 November 2021
I was interested in watching this for a few reasons. I'm from Brooklyn, I grew up around guys like this, it was filmed in my neighborhood, and I remember Brooklyn in the 80s. Just two episodes in, and I'm already frustrated.

1. If you are going to do a period piece, make it accurate. Punk was not immensely popular in 1986. Hairbands had taken over and grunge was ready to kick it's ass. Coney Island DID NOT look like that in the 80s, and neither did the bus stops.

2. The acting is TERRIBLE. I feel like I'm watching an AU Sopranos, where James Gandolfini looks like Quagmire, and it's a bad high school production of Goodfellas.

3. It makes Brooklyn Italians look like a bunch of thugs.

The only thing accurate about it is the racism that constantly spews out of the mouths of these "gangsters". Garbage like this makes me ashamed to be Italian.
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