Maid (2021)
Sympathy decreased every episode
9 November 2021
I'm not rating the performances or direction... both are great...

I'm confused about why we're constantly supposed to feel sorry for someone who consistently makes bad and selfish choices... Everytime someone or something good happens to progress her life, she messes it up... she takes advantage of a nice guy, knowing he's interested... resents her father for his appalling behaviour 20 years ago even though he is completely different now but forgives her mother everytime... yes her mother has mental health issues but the same empathy isn't shown to the father... she cleans the house of a successful, hard working black women who forfeited her personal life to succeed... For some reason we're supposed to feel sorry for Alex that she doesn't have her wealth or success... in a world where we are constantly told black women are up against the odds this character made it so why can't Alex? Alex had the option to study English at college but decided to have a child with no money and live in a trailer... she made her own bad decisions time and time again... Alex needs to grow up and start making some good decisions and stop using people.
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