Review of Showtrial

Showtrial (2021–2024)
A very good writing exercise here, with a strong central performance and character, but some shortcomings elsewhere
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So, this story is one of those concepts I very much would describe as "quality neutral", as it has potential based on the execution. I'd say that the story itself does well, but a lot of the success/perceived success is based on the central performance.

So incase no-one knows what the story is about, it's about the Police Investigation into the disappearance of Hannah Ellis, an ace-student and the daughter of a single parent in Oxford, England. The Police's first suspect is Talitha Campbell, an arrogant, flippant, generally unlikable daughter of property mogul Damian Campbell. Throughout the story, we follow the Police headed up by detectives Paula Cassidy and James Thornley, and the defence counsel headed up by former high flying barrister Cleo Roberts, as well as the family and defence for Talitha's friend and fellow suspect Dylan Harwood, himself the wealthy and entitled son of a British MP.

As mentioned, the best part of the story is BY FAR Celine Buckens as Talitha Campbell. Talitha is a character that is kind of integral to the story, as any wrong actions with her can kill the story dead if you stop asking yourself the genuine question, "Did she commit the murder of Hannah Ellis?". Buckens takes this role and very much runs with it. There's the theatricality and a haminess to her performance, but she stays on the right side of it to keep the audience invested in her, even if her character is utterly repulsive to a lot of them, including myself. Don't get me wrong, she does have positive characteristics; she's an incredibly witty character, and that maintains under pressure showing her actual composure she pretends not to have, as well as a headstrong attitude that helps her win over Cleo Roberts after a rocky initial meeting. The best thing about her is she raises the characters around her, and they become far more compelling when she's about, as the detectives have a good foil to work against, and Cleo gets to mentor and look after her in their other scenes, and her father in their final scene gets to make amends in a believable way. The only exception to this is her co-defendant Dylan Harwood, who honestly doesn't spend enough time with her to get a sense of their relationship - not to mention it seems particularly odd that this meek, quiet, socially awkward guy would be friends with someone he's the exact opposite of outside of having the same kinds of drug addictions. Their relationship during and post trial isn't really explored either. One thing I will credit the series for is not revealing either Talitha did it or not, as either one would ruin the point of the story a bit, but it gives you enough hints - including Talitha's overwhelming indifference to Hannah's fate - to make your mind up.

However, when the other character's AREN'T around Talitha, they are quite crudely constructed. Cleo Roberts, played by Tracy Ifechor, is very basic as a "driven defence attorney who is emotionally invested in this case". Her father, played by James Frain, is equally described as "distant rich parent" without too much around it. The only two exceptions to this are Paula and Dylan, respectively by Sinead Keenan and Joseph Payne. Paula is such a weird character as she's meant to be this seasoned detective, but she's so immediately incensed by Talitha that she becomes almost completely blind to the evidence for dislike of her, and it seemed odd that some written that way could be in such a senior position; we also don't get to follow her, or really anyone except Talitha after the trial. Dylan is kind of explored well, as an anxious, socially distant young man who misreads social ques, but isn't explored well in relation to him and Talitha and Hannah. And Hannah? She really doesn't get too much exploration, but is also featured enough to where she can't be just a nameless body, which is odd.

Like I said, its the case of a good main character helping to lift everything around. I assume there won't be a series 2 as there's not really anywhere else they can go with it unless they get a whole new cast and story. I'd say, overall, it's alright and you should check it out on iPlayer if you can - and try to do it in one sitting as that really helps.
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