Rather underwhelming.
7 November 2021
'The Night House (2020)' is, frankly, just a bit uninteresting. It isn't exactly boring, per se, but it certainly isn't all that compelling, either. It's, essentially, saved by a handful of effective and somewhat distinct sequences, alongside a confident central performance and some solid cinematography. The mystery at the movie's core is occasionally intriguing, but its answers - and some of the steps taken to reveal them - are generally disappointing. The ending, in particular, is rather anticlimactic. To be honest, it doesn't really finish anything off, even though it does reveal most of the narrative's secrets. This doesn't feel as though it was done on purpose; it's almost the opposite of something like the thematically resonant cliffhanger that finishes off 'Halloween (1978)', for example. There are some inventive visuals and some intriguing ideas, don't get me wrong. It's intermittently entertaining. Ultimately, though, it's just a bit underwhelming. There isn't really a proper theme and none of it is actually scary. It's a decent effort, but not much more. 6/10.
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