Why's every king a fool in this show...
5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...and none of the female characters are losers? Yeah, like in every kingdom the king is depicted as a freaking losers. I haven't watched the whole season yet but the only macho man is the barbarian prince and I bet even he's probably lost his balls in the jungle after he thought his parents were both dead, they aren't. As we are judging people by leftist standards I'll also mention something. Why are people who represent Mayans speaking English and Spanish which are both languages of the invading people. Spanish Conquistadors and British people who invaded the North American continent and basically forced Indians into reservations or whatever the word is in English. Reservaatti. Conquistadors wiped out most of the Mayan and Aztec population either by themselves or with viruses the Conquistadors themselves were immune to. Let's not mention the cliché that all of first three champions, including Maya, are basically outcasts. Rooting for the downtrodden much?

Now that I've given leftists a taste of their own medicine I would like to say that I really like the animation and the characters have some real personality. The base story is cool though. This doesn't suck that much it's just obvious what the writer thinks of the ruling class.
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