The Herculoids (1967–1969)
A "Teen Cartoon"....One of My Very Favorites of All Cartoons I ever Watched
4 November 2021
This did not debut till I was a teen, however it became one I liked the most along with Jonny Quest, although it was more of a "sci-fi" cartoon series. I loved all the diff creature characters and how they were portrayed. I remember thinking "Gleep & Gloop" were pretty cool "jello" like in appearance and funny creatures that were often heroes like the others.

I have tried in vain to find this series on a streaming basis and it must not exist anywhere and being a Hanna-Barbara production that is strange.

My entire childhood through teens were the golden years of tv animated cartoons...there were the good guys and bad guys....and the good ALWAYS won...that is still an important message for all youth yet today.

Pure Cartoons really dont exist today...they are weird and many try to bring social messages to young kids today. Leave them alone with that crap!!.....let them be kids! laugh and have genuine fun without the pollution of social change idiocy.

Many parents today luckily get their kids the same cartoins we did because they do not endorse today's cartoonish stuff. Good for them!
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