Review of Trianon

Trianon (2005)
To be a patriot you do not have to be a liar.
3 November 2021
I understand people have strong feelings pro or against this film that is why it is important to listen the independent historians speak about Trianon; and they all agree that it was a shamefull exercise of imposing peace in Europe after WW1. The outcome of the Trianon dictatum was: * the outburst of WW2 as the pressure imposed on Germany was beyond belief.

* the creation of new countries Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine which DO NOT exist anymore today and of course the addition of Transilvania and Banat to Wallachia and Moldavia which lead to a bigger Romania. Question is for how long will it stay like that given the paralelism? History will tell us... Romanians and other nations which have benefited from the disolution of Austro-Hungary should be happy they got new territories and feel a bit of empathy with the losers and definitely to NOT vote June the 4th as national holiday in Romania -- shame on you to use a commemorative date of your neighbour as celebration!!!! Shame, Shame, Shame!!!
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