In a war movie context matters
3 November 2021
So this movie is a huge box success, approaching over $1B in revenue. It depicts a pivotal battle in the Korean war; a war between the United nations and communist China and North-Korea. A war that North-Korea started and if it had lost it North-Korea would've have been no more and you'd have a united western Korea.

Now this context matters to me when I watch this movie. North-Korea is a failed state and a terrible place to live. How can I root for the Chinese forces when the end-result of their victory is so bad? They didn't just die for nothing, their death was actively bad for the world.

Now cinematically this movie isn't too great either. The story telling is predictable with a cartoonishly portrayed evil enemy. The CGI is really underwhelming, especially considering the budget. It's just modern day propaganda, I just wish China had picked something else to be proud of.
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