I'm So Sorry Gamera!
2 November 2021
I think Gamera is an awesome Kaiju. What is there to not love about a giant fire-breathing turtle with a jet-fueled shell that can fly? Unfortunately the movies Gamera actually stars in are often not my cup of tea. I love Showa era Godzilla movies so this one should be right up my alley, but alas it just doesn't land for me. I think part of the problem is how kid-centric it is (Though I enjoyed the Rebirth of Mothra trilogy so that might not be it) and another part of the problem is , to me at least , Gyaos. For what is supposed to be essentially the big boss main baddie to Gameras Hero To All Children, Gyaos ends up being a dud. Gyaos feels like a bad fanart of Rodan and never comes across as threatening in this film, Gyaos was better realized in the Hesei era. When all is said and done this is a bad film in almost every aspect except for the coolness of its main character.
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