A Feminist Slasher From Canada Featuring John Candy.
2 November 2021
Canadian horror icon Stephen Young stars alongside John Candy, in this 70's slasher flick.

Where a group of friends plan to stop one of their more douchey brethren, from exploiting his wife, in order to cash in on a lucrative land deal.

Knowing that she owns the property, and must sign over the deed...they plan to dress up like clowns, and kidnap her, until the deadline passes at midnight, on Halloween.

However, none of them expected that what starts off as a joke will end up progressing to murder.

One mistake leads to another, they all start turning against each other.

Just as the cops are beginning to hone in on them.

Because on top of the scuffed kidnapping...a nefarious actor is hiding amongst them...trying to kill them off one-by-one...

While the woman they've kidnapped is doing whatever she can, in order to survive.

Things go from bad to worse as paranoia sets in amongst the group.

Will any of them make it out alive?

Or has this sick joke gone too far already?

Either way, it looks like they've stopped the land deal from going through...

It's certainly not your average slasher flick.

Because, while the motives of each character are pretty clear...the way the plot plays out is really quite bizarre, and slightly confusing.

Because even though the end game of each player is effectively the same...it becomes a kind of proxy war to control- even possess- the victim.

As they've all desired her, at one point, or another.

Luckily for her, she is clearly more grounded than any of them.

And, having realized this, she uses it to her advantage...to play them against one another.

So, while the men all end up bruised and broken...if not dead...she walks out of the whole ordeal generally unscathed...arguably, even stronger than she was before.

Thus, hidden beneath the layers of drama is a moral tale with an underlying feminist message.

A very interesting little flick, indeed.

5.5 out of 10.
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