Plebs (2013–2019)
it started really well, but then the quality went a bit down.
1 November 2021
Plebs took me 2 episodes to get hooked, but when i did i really enjoyed. The first 2 seasons deserve a 9 because they are really funny and more than that the roma environment really works in favour of the show. Plus the whole arch of having marcus trying to hook up with Cynthia by lying, deceiving, tricking and then seeing all the lies falling apart at the end, was for me the main thing on the show. And metella almost bullying him, that was great too.

Then season 3...i missed the girls. Delphine was a fine character and it was fun seeing marcus constantly afraid of losing her but at the end of the day her arch was not rich enough. The funny scenes with her are like in 3 episodes. But still we have the three dudes being the same which redeems the whole thing.

But in 4 and 5 there is no stylax and jason is not by any means the best replacement. He is too cute for this show and not exactly empathic, even though his dumbness is funny. Them having a bar is fine, but it looked a bit of a cheap version of its always sunny in philadelphia. Grumio was basically the main saviour of these two seasons - he was always the funniest thing in the show but on these two seasons he pretty much saved the whole thing.

I dont think people will regret this last two seasons but they are no way as good comparing with the first two. The third one is kinda middle of the road but still closer to season 1 and 2 than season 3 and 4.

Look people must see the first 2 seasons. And the third. The other two is more your own risk. I will still replay them for sure.
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